As with most activities, it takes intentional practice and mastery of key aspects of the activities to see improvement. It’s no different in chess. Our goal at Elevate My Chess is to see every player improve so below are some of the suggested areas we encourage new and fairly new chess players to focus on…
The 10 Best Chess Traps

Chess tricks and traps have always caught the imagination and appreciation of chess fans as long as chess has been played. A nice trap shows tactical ideas, combinations, and fascinating concepts that capture our attention and stand the test of time. The traps in this article will give you ideas to try in your own…
Veselin Topalov misses win against Ding Liren

In round 3 of the Shamkir Chess open played earlier this year, Veselin Topalov had a big chance be the first to score a win in the tournament against Ding Liren. The position in the picture above is one of the rare situations in which Black’s two knights are clearly superior to White’s pair of…
Learn how to attack with the Black pieces in this classic game by GM Aleksandr Lenderman

In this interesting attacking play by GM Aleksandr Lenderman in round 1 of the 2017 Varennes Championship, the GM exploits passive defensive play by White to launch an attack against the White king trapped in the middle of the board. See below for the full game…Enjoy! White: GM Aleksandr Lenderman (ELO Rating: 2591) Black: WIM…