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RA Winter Open
January 19, 2018 - January 21, 2018
Schedule 2016-2017 | Recent Competitions | Junior Successes | World-Class Events | Club Champs | Links |
The RA Chess Club is the place to play in Ottawa and is one of the largest and most active chess clubs in Canada.
The Club schedules about 95 sessions at the RA Centre throughout the season (September – August). On Thursday evenings, 7:00 p.m. – midnight (games start at 7:30, in the Outaouais Room) the Club holds a series of rated tournaments, most with regular time controls. The Club is also open on Sunday afternoons, 1–4 p.m. (usually in Outaouais Room, sometimes elsewhere, check at Info Desk) from September to May. Sundays feature speed chess and “active” chess. Members who choose not to play in a scheduled event may play casual chess at any time.
Membership & Guests
Membership: Open to any member of the RA Centre who is age 14 or older and, at the Club’s discretion, persons younger than 14 who demonstrate chess ability and social maturity. [N.B. Persons younger than 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.] Memberships in the RA and the RA Chess Club may be purchased seven days a week at the RA Centre’s Main Desk (613-733-5100), located near the East Wing entrance. Annual fees are $46 for the RA Centre (ask about discount rates for Federal Government employees), plus $52 ($32 for juniors) for the RA Chess Club. Guests: Are welcome anytime and are encouraged to join the Club. On Thursday evenings non-members pay a guest fee of $4 a session.
Almost all Thursday night events are rated by the CFC, so players also pay the CFC’s $3 rating fee for each rated tournament. CFC Membership ($48/year for Ontario residents, $30 for juniors) may be purchased from the CFC or from tournament directors on Thursday nights.
Dec. 22, 2016 – Opening Theme Tournament: Marshall Gambit (Slav)
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 e6 4. e4 dxe4 5. Nxe4 Bb4+ 6. Bd2 Qxd4 7. Bxb4 Qxe4+ This is the starting position of Marshall Gambit RACC Gambit Tournament.
Ideas: White has given up a center pawn for 1) the Bishop pair 2) play on the dark squares 3) development off the exposed black Q. Note that the dark-square play is long-lasting, and White can even trade Qs to keep an initiative into an endgame. Stats: 1500+ games in MegaBase: White 57% and Elo +30. Computer Eval: Stockfish 8 rates it 0.00 at 25 ply after either 8. Be2 or 8.Ne2.
PDFs: games and some theory in two PDFs. One in game format, the other in Repertoire Table format.
On April 19th GMs Eric Hansen and Robin Van Kampen came to the RA club for a co-lecture and a simultaneous match by GM Van Kampen. The focus of the lecture was on the experiences of both Grand Masters in establishing themselves as professional players in Europe. Members found the lecture very interesting and had a large number of questions to the GMs.
17 club members went on to face Van Kampen in a simul. The GM won 15, conceding one loss to Robert Gelblum and one draw to Bill Doubleday. Everyone enjoyed this match by a very friendly GM.
Contact Us
For more informatation, contact the Tournament Directors listed in the Club Event Schedule for details of specific events, or the Club Executive listed on our Club Contact Information.
New RACC Executive (March 16, 2013)
At the AGM the following were elected to run the RACC next year: President – Garland Best VP – Bill Doubleday TD – Halldor Palsson, asst.TD Stijn de Kerpel Web – Amos Kuttner, Konstantin Vlasenko. Librarian – still looking… |
Ottawa Citizen article on World Championship by former Club President
(Nov. 13, 2013) The Ottawa Citizen has an op-ed article by former RACC President Gordon Ritchie on the Carlsen-Anand World Championship. Nothing new for chess fans, but a good context layer for the public. |