In preparation for the Candidates’ Tournament coming up soon, some of the top players gathered at the Tal Memorial Blitz and Rapid Chess to compete. The Russian, GM Sergey Karjakin finished first in the Blitz chess with 1.5 points clear of his competitors. GM Viswanathan Anand finished first in the Rapid chess. At 48 years…
Don’t make the mistake of reacting to your opponent

In this article by GM Damian Lemos, he looks at one of the mistakes club players make all the time is reacting to what their opponent has just played. He advises that while you should try and understand what your opponent is up to, you shouldn’t let him/her dictate play. In the image above, Emanuel Lasker (Black)…
Sponsorship Opportunities Now Available

We are excited to now offer sponsorship opportunities for businesses and professionals who have a service or product to offer to our chess playing community. This is a rare and great opportunity to showcase your products and services to chess enthusiasts for as low as $250. As some of your may know, chess is regularly…
Ontario Qualifier for the Susan Polgar Foundation Girls Invitational is coming to Ontario

We are excited to announce a new partnership to host the Ontario qualifier for the Susan Polgar Foundation Girls Invitational (SPFGI) in February 2018. This is an all girls event aimed at encouraging more girls to play chess. The winner will qualify as the Ontario delegate and will be invited to participate in the SPFGI…
Announcing our first Chess Tournament – Oakville Winter Open

We are excited to host our first of many chess tournaments in Oakville coming up in February 2018. It is a 5-round Swiss format in 6 sections. For the first time in Canada, we will have fixed Score based prizes, up to $1,600 in cash prize for the players with perfect scores in the top…